Death Streaming


Cellend is a very unknown streamer on Rvver. They've had an upmost of 10 viewers at a time, not helped by a flaky stream schedule. He plays games through a virtual avatar, who is the coluqioul 'Cellend' for everyone else. Standard stuff, really. Aside from some more... recent streams. 38 seconds of pure silence before ending, disjointed speech, cutting out of the avatar... Something's going on.


Tyler is about to turn 16. He runs the Cellend channel. Or at least tries to. Having so many personal problems to worry about, they haven't been able to stream for a month and a half. Tyler really wants to get back to it, it was nice to lay back, but still be engaged enough to stop himself from doing anything drastic. Someone is stopping him, though. Tyler doesn't know who, but they've seen something following, even for a second. It's been in their house, in their bedroom.

It has gotten on the Cellend channel.